Premiere: 'Child of the benefits scandal'
- Date: 04 April
- label.tijd 17:00 - 18:45
- Location: Nieuwspoort

Premiere film screening: 'Child of the allowance scandal' framed by talks.
From 2005 to 2019, between 60 and 100 thousand children were affected by the allowance scandal. Using the story of Jaïr van den Essenburg, filmmakers Josephine Hanna and Elisabeth van der Ploeg bring the consequences into sharp focus. Jaïr's mother was labeled a fraudster in 2008. The nightmare followed: with bailiffs, social isolation and a flight to Belgium.
Hanna and Van der Ploeg made their documentary at CampusDoc at the Hogeschool Utrecht. The premiere of the 30-minute film will take place in the presence of several MPs and will be framed by interviews with the makers, Jaïr and his mother. Journalist Jan Kleinnijenhuis(Trouw) talks about the origins of the scandal, which he uncovered in collaboration with RTL, and Children's Ombudsman Margrite Kalverboer shares her experiences about the scope of the scandal and the difficult recovery operation.
Practical information:
Date: Thursday, April 4
Location: Nieuwspoort
Walk-in: 17.00 hrs.
Start: 17.15 hrs.
End: 18.45 hrs, drinks afterwards
Free entrance only with an admission ticket!
Chef's special: You can come afterwards for a bite to eat, order in addition to your free hall ticket the Chef's Special a €16.50, then you are welcome in our restaurant after the drinks. (Soon you will find the Special for this evening).
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2511 CL, Den Haag Sign Up