Movies that Matter Festival 2024
- Date: 30 May
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag en Theater aan het Spui

The Movies that Matter Festival 2024 will take place from March 22 to 30 at Filmhuis Den Haag and Theater aan het Spui.
The aim of Movies that Matter is to broaden the perspective on human rights by screening films and encouraging screenings of films on pressing social issues. We do this by organizing the annual Movies that Matter Festival, educational screenings for students and schoolchildren, organizing events, with advisory work at home and abroad and supporting festivals abroad.
Link to the schedule:
This year's themes are:
- Festival Favourites
- Shorts
- Focus on Turkey
- Take on Classics
- Take on Freedom
- Take on Future
- Take on Love
- Take on Power
Films shown include:
Als ik mijn ogen sluit: leven met de Japanse kamp (Pieter van Huystee)
- If I Close My Eyes: Living with the Japanese Camps is a film about the women and girls who survived the Japanese camps. The stories of the survivors were not heard or acknowledged in the Netherlands after the war.
History - Memory - Commemoration / Java
- History - Memory - Commemoration is a long-term research project by Dutch artist Hans van Houwelingen, together with Iswanto Hartono and Mirwan Andan of the Indonesian artist collective ruangrupa. In collaboration with De Balie, they are making seven films about specific locations from the colonial history of the Netherlands and Indonesia: Java, Aceh, Nias, the Netherlands, the Moluccas, Sulawesi and Papua.
The Body Politic (Gabriel Francis Paz Goodenough)
- Powerful portrait of Brandon Scott, the idealistic young mayor of Baltimore, during his first year in office. In a city with a huge murder rate, Scott embraces an alternative approach to gun violence.
Filmhuis Den Haag en Theater aan het Spui
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