Just Peace Open Day 2024

  • Date: 22 September 10:00 - 17:00
  • Location: The Hague, multiple locations 
Registrations are open; click on 'sign up' for the link to Eventbrite

Just Peace Open Day: get a peek behind the scenes of the most important institutions in The Hague!

Have you ever walked past an imposing building in The Hague and thought ‘I wonder what goes on in there?’ Now here’s your chance to find out! Join the Just Peace Open Day on September 22, 2024, for a unique open house in the City of The Hague.

The Hague is world renowned as the ‘International City of Peace & Justice’, and almost every monumental building in the city has a role to play in building a more just and peaceful world. From the Peace Palace to the International Criminal Court, the UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals to the Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel, the streets of The Hague breathe history! But what actually happens each day behind those grand doors? And how do people working in The Hague help make the world a better, fairer place? Join the Just Peace Open Day 2024 to find out! 

For one special Sunday in September, Just Peace The Hague and over 20 partners will open their doors for you to get a look behind the scenes and hear stories from the people and histories of each institution. 

Tours, workshops and a special concert! 

The City of The Hague will turn into one big open house, with guided (and self-guided) tours, bike tours, presentations; talks, and exhibitions all available to view for free. There will even be a concert held at the Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel in collaboration with the Residentie Orkest of The Hague! Everyone is invited to join in for this very special performance.

Make sure to reserve your free spot as soon as possible, because there are limited places available!

Organisations opening their doors: Rijksmuseum De Gevangenpoort, Justice and Peace, Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Human Security Collective, UN International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT), Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Asser Institute, Peace in the Park, Kosovo Specialist Chambers, Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel, Peace Palace: Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), International Court of Justice (ICJ), Carnegie Foundation, High Commissioner on National Minorities of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE HCNM), Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH), EUROJUST, International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). 

Important: due to limited capacity in each event and at each location, please make sure to book only one session in a given time slot. Multiple bookings in the same time slot made by the same individual will be cancelled.

View the full programme and register on Eventbrite here 

Find timetable here.

The Hague Humanity Hub (12:00 – 16:00) | Register here for the Humanity Hub

    Are you passionate about peace and justice? Looking to explore The Hague's vibrant community of professionals working towards a more peaceful and just world? Whether you’re a seasoned professional in the peace and justice sector, a student eager to connect and learn, or simply a curious member of the public, Just Peace Open Day 2024 at The Hague Humanity Hub is the event for you! Event Highlights:

    Interactive Hub Tours

    We’re opening our doors for an exclusive Hub Tour during Just Peace Open Day, offering you a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most dynamic hubs for peace and justice initiatives in The Hague. Discover the heart of The Hague’s peace and justice community with our 45-minute guided tours.

    End your tour with insights from our guest speakers at the Marketplace, who will share their experiences and knowledge on key peace and justice issues. Learn how these organizations contribute to global peacebuilding and justice efforts and see firsthand the collaborative environment that fosters groundbreaking work.

    Meet and interact with peace & justice professionals in the Hub Cafè

    Engage directly with representatives from leading peace and justice organizations. The Hub Café will feature stands from International Organization for Migration (IOM), International Development Law Organization (IDLO), Equal Trade Alliance, and the Dr. Dennis Mukwege Foundation and others, where you

    can learn about their impactful work and find opportunities to get involved.

    Interactive Side-sessions

    Participate in a variety of sessions tailored to diverse interests. From presentations by the OPCW on chemical weapons disarmament to an engaging fireside chat by The London Story, there’s something for everyone. Children can enjoy creative workshops hosted by Colors for Peace, designed to inspire the next generation of peacebuilders.

    Sessions Overview:


    • “OPCW: Implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention” – a presentation and Q&A by OPCW staff
    • Interactive quiz “Dual-use chemicals and the Chemical Weapons Convention”

    PAX for Peace 

    • Workshop:  ‘Don’t Buy Into Occupation’: involvement of international corporations in human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”.

    Equal Trade Alliance

    • From Beans to Billions: Transforming Africa’s Trade with Europe
    • Empowering Africa and Europe: Equal Trade, Equal Opportunities for Sustainable Futures

    The London Story: Human Rights in the World's Largest Democracy: A Fireside Chat | Register Here 

    Dive deep into the state of human rights and democracy in India with a unique, facilitated discussion at The Hague Humanity Hub. This event will bring together visitors, activists from NGOs based in The Hague (including The London Story), and academics with extensive knowledge of India’s civic space to explore a topic often overlooked despite India’s size and global significance.


    • Dr. Sruti Bala InSAF India
    • Dr. Divya Nadkarni InSAF India
    • Dr. Sumaiya Musharraf (Centre for African Justice)
    • Radhika Roy (Leiden University)
    • Prof. Ward Berenschot (KITLV)

    Moderator: Dr. Ritumbra Manuvie (The London Story and Groningen University)

    Creative Kids Workshop with Colors for Peace

    Bring your little ones to the Creative Kids Workshops by Colors for Peace at The Hague Humanity Hub! These fun and engaging workshops are designed to inspire children of all ages to explore the themes of peace and harmony through art. Guided by experienced facilitators, kids will use colors, creativity, and imagination to express their ideas about a more peaceful world.

    Documentary Screening with Dr. Dennis Mukwege Foundation

    Take a moment to watch the insightful documentary "Thinking of You," which takes you behind the scenes of a powerful public art installation by renowned conceptual artist Alketa Xhafa Mripa. In June 2024, hundreds of dresses, each telling a story of survival, were displayed across Atrium City Hall and Lange Voorhout Park in The Hague. These garments, donated by survivors of sexual violence in conflict, became symbols of resilience and hope. This documentary, created in collaboration with the Mukwege Foundation, offers exclusive footage and intimate interviews with SEMA survivors, members of the Global Network of Victims and Survivors to End Wartime Sexual Violence. Hear their personal stories and learn about the importance of the installation in raising awareness and calling for an end to the use of rape as a weapon of war worldwide.

    Register here to visit the Humanity Hub

    UN IRMCT (10:00 – 16:00) | Register here to visit the UN IRMCT

      The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) will open its doors to the public. Following welcoming remarks by the President of the Mechanism, Judge Graciela Gatti Santana, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the Mechanism through courtroom tours and the presentations scheduled to take place throughout the day.

      The Mechanism was established in 2010 as the successor organisation of the ICTR and the ICTY. Following the closure of the ICTR in 2015 and the closure of the ICTY in 2017, the Mechanism continues their remaining residual work and carries forward the legacies of these two pioneering ad hoc Tribunals.

      Register here to visit the UN IRMCT

      T.M.C. Asser Institute (12:00 – 18:00) | Register here for the Asser Institute

        See war through children's eyes: “Voices from Gaza”. Join us at the Asser Institute for a powerful and thought-provoking exhibition co-hosted by the HOPE foundation, titled “Voices from Gaza”. Join us at the Asser Institute for a powerful and thought-provoking exhibition co-hosted by the HOPE foundation, titled “Voices from Gaza”. This captivating installation aims to bring attention to the experiences of children and young adults living in conflict, showing artworks created by the children of Gaza, as well as dance performances by breakdancers, and spoken word poetry.

        Discover the heart-wrenching realities of war through the eyes of children and young adults living in Gaza. Witness the raw power of their creativity as it transforms pain into beauty. Engage in thought-provoking conversations with legal experts, artists, and with advocates working in the Gaza Strip within conflict-afflicted communities. Our international law experts will be on hand to answer your questions about the complex issues surrounding war and peace. Let's come together to celebrate 125 years of peace and justice in The Hague while inspiring hope for a brighter future. Your presence matters.

        Register here to visit the Asser Institute

        Peace Palace (11:00 – 16:00, last tour starting at 15:20) | Register here for the Peace Palace

          Come learn about the international institutions seated in the Peace Palace, including the Permanent Court of Arbitration and the International Court of Justice.

          The Peace Palace is home to two judicial institutions: the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The PCA was established by the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, concluded at The Hague in 1899 during the first Hague Peace Conference. It was the first permanent intergovernmental organization to provide a forum for the resolution of international disputes through arbitration and other peaceful means. Today, the PCA provides services for the resolution of disputes involving various combinations of states, state entities, intergovernmental organizations, and private parties. The ICJ is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The Court’s role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions referred to it by authorized United Nations organs and specialized agencies.

          This is an opportunity for members of the general public to visit the Peace Palace building and to learn more about these international institutions.

          Register here to visit the Peace Palace

          Kosovo Specialist Chambers (10:00 – 13:45) | Register here for the KSC

            As part of the Just Peace Open Day, the Kosovo Specialist Chambers is happy to welcome you to their premises for a tour and presentation on the mandate and work of the Court. For an hour, our outreach team will show you around the public areas of the court including the press briefing room, the media centre and the public gallery overlooking the courtroom. During this time, we will tell you more about the establishment of the Chambers, the ongoing legal proceedings and the KSC Outreach programme.

            Register here to visit the Kosovo Specialist Chambers

            Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) (12:00 – 14:00) | Register here for HCCH

              Since 1893, the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) brings States together to work towards the progressive unification of the rules of private international law through the negotiation, adoption and monitoring of international treaties and other legal instruments. The work of the HCCH deals with a wide range of issues – child protection, adoption, vulnerable adults, trade, investment, tourism, the digital economy and more - with a direct practical impact on individuals, families and companies. What happens if a person in Austria seeks child support from their ex-partner in Azerbaijan? Can a witness in Belarus provide evidence in a civil case in Brazil, ora high school diploma issued in Cabo Verde be recognised in Canada? Join the HCCH's Open Day to hear about the various creative solutions that States have come up with to create bridges between their different legal systems; to learn more about how international treaties are developed and which obstacles might arise in their implementation; and to discover the impact that private international law has on people's daily lives. The HCCH will be open to visitors from 12:00 to 14:00, with a one hour presentation starting at 13:00.

              Register here to visit HCCH

              Initiatives of Change Nederland (13:00 – 17:00) | Register here for Initiatives of Change

                Initiatives of Change will host a symposium celebrating "The Hague 125 Years as a City of Peace and Justice." The aim is the enhance citizens’ understanding of peacebuilding.
                We aim to share our passion for human rights and inspire others to foster a tangible culture of human rights. Serving as a platform for networking and exchanging ideas, the symposium encourages collaboration towards a more just world.

                Register here to visit the Initiatives of Change Nederland

                International Criminal Court (10:00 – 17:00) | Register here for ICC

                  On Just Peace Open Day, visitors are welcome to visit the International Criminal Court (ICC) between 10:00 and 17:00hrs. Enter the ICC Public Gallery to view the Courtroom: Interactive presentations there include a video and Q&A with an ICC representative and run every hour. Learn how the ICC, as a permanent Court of last resort, works to bring justice to victims of some of the world’s worst crimes, and ask your questions to ICC experts. Visitors are then welcome to visit other information booths throughout the public area of the building, to learn more about jobs and internships as well as the Trust Fund for Victims.

                  Register here to visit the International Criminal Court

                  Nutshuis (10:00 – 16:00) | Register here for the Nutshuis

                    Het Nutshuis: A collective of social and human rights organizations in the heart of The Hague.

                    Step inside the monumental “Nutshuis”, a former bank building opposite the Grote Kerk - now home to social and human rights organizations. View the stately ‘Bank Hall’, the former bank vault which now functions as a private cinema, and discover the building’s hidden treasures; Café Soof and the beautiful Nutshuis garden.

                    Get to know the different organizations housed in the “Nutshuis” and learn more about different perspectives on human rights and opportunities to participate in positive change yourself, here in the Netherlands and worldwide, during an information market, film screenings and interactive workshops.

                    Participating organizations:

                    PROGRAMME 10:00 – 16:00

                    • Information market and presentations by participating organisation in the Bank Hall of the “Nutshuis”
                    • Film screenings on work of participating organisations in the “Vault” room of the former bank building
                    • Workshops and interactive presentations in the “Telkamer” (max 20-25 participants, 45 min workshops between 1030 and 1215 and 1400-1545)

                    Interact: Engage with our justice experts. Whether your interests lie in human rights, water and sanitation, or climate justice, our experts are here to share their knowledge and insights. Engage: Witness the Bankhal turn into the Gameshal! Experience the complexities of justice and pace in a fun, light-hearted, and interactive manner. Participate in a variety of activities including games, speed dating with experts, and captivating video presentations. These activities are designed to make heavy topics approach. Learn: Dive into the rich history of the Nutshuis. See you at the Nutshuis!

                    Register here to visit the Nutshuis

                    Rijksmuseum de Gevangenpoort (tours at 12:00 & 13:00) | Register here

                      The Prison Gate and criminal law (a guided tour through the Prison Gate). For centuries, the Prison Gate functioned as both the prison and courthouse of the mighty Court of Holland. During the tour through this medieval monument, you will discover how criminals were imprisoned, tried, and punished. The basic principles of modern law would have felt foreign and strange during the Middle Ages – as theirs would nowadays. What fate has awaited criminals here throughout history? What were their holding cells like, how were they interrogated, and where were they sentenced? And how has criminal law changed since then? You will find out during this tour through the Prison Gate Museum.

                      Register here to visit the Rijksmuseum de Gevangenpoort

                      OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) (Presentations at 10:00 and 11:15) | Register here

                        We will offer two presentations in English. There will be room for questions afterwards too and a discussion from the floor.

                        The High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) gets involved in a situation if, in his judgement, there are tensions involving national minorities which could develop into a conflict. Much of the day-to-day work is in identifying and addressing causes of ethnic tensions and conflicts. The High Commissioner addresses the short-term triggers of inter-ethnic tension or conflict and long-term structural concerns. If a participating State is not meeting its political commitments or international norms, the High Commissioner will assist by providing analysis and recommendations. Based on experience, the HCNM publishes thematic Recommendations and Guidelines that give advice on common challenges and best practice. The HCNM also provides structural support through small collaborative projects that aim to achieve sustainability through increasing local ownership.

                        Register here to visit the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM)

                        House of Europe (10:00 – 16:00) | Register Here

                          Would you like to learn more about the European Union or judicial cooperation in the EU? Then come to the open day of the House of Europe.

                          Located here are the Representation of the European Commission in the Netherlands and the Liaison Office of the European Parliament in the Netherlands. In addition, Eurojust, the EU agency for judicial cooperation, and the ICMP, the International Commission on Missing Persons, will also be present on the day to talk about their important work.

                          What can you expect during the open day at the House of Europe? There is a lot to do; Take part in the quiz, adults and children can participate in games to win great prizes or take a selfie in our photo corner. Talk about the European Union with experts, meet a prosecutor from Eurojust or learn more about what the EU is doing in the Netherlands. During the day there will be several presentations, where you are welcome to ask questions. May we welcome you to the House of Europe?

                          Register here to visit the House of Europe

                          International Esperanto-institute (11:00 – 15:30) | Register here

                            The International Esperanto-Institute has been a part of the international peace movement since 1930. With its focus on peace and understanding through a common second language, a visit to the institute gives new insight in the auxiliary language Esperanto, and a new perspective on the meaning of equality within the context of international communication. On the Just Peace Open Day, the institute welcomes you to drop by during the day, between 11:00 and 15:30. Moreover, you are invited to participate in one of the 30 minute introductory Esperanto lessons, during one of the following time slots 11:30, 13:30, and 14:30.

                            Register here to visit the International Esperanto-institute

                            Peace Concert by Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel en Residentie Orkest | Register Here

                              (Museum visit 11:00 – 17:00, concert 14:30 – 15:30)

                              Come to the NM Oranjehotel on September 22 for a special event that brings together the magic of music and the profound message of peace. Peace Concert is a classical concert by a wind quintet of the Residentie Orkest, organized in collaboration with Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel and Just Peace, with a message of hope, solidarity, peace and justice.

                              Join this special concert during the Just Peace Open Day and combine your visit with a trip to the Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel. As a visitor of the Open Day, you’ll receive a €2.50 discount on your museum ticket!

                              The Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel is a historic museum located in the former prison where many were held during World War II for resisting Nazi occupation. Here, you can explore authentic prison cells, including the infamous "Death Cell," learn about the stories of the people imprisoned there, and discover the history of courage, resistance, and resilience during a time of oppression.

                              Make the most of your day by enjoying both a powerful musical experience and a visit to this significant historical site.

                              Register here to visit the Peace Concert by Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel en Residentie Orkest

                              Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (11:00 & 13:00) | Register Here

                                Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD) will open its doors as part of the Just Peace Open Day in The Hague. NIMD is dedicated to promoting peaceful, just, and inclusive democracies worldwide by supporting political parties, fostering dialogue, and strengthening democratic systems.

                                In an engaging plenary session, themed ‘Dialogue VS Polarisation’ NIMD will explore the nuances of dialogue, negotiations, and debating through interactive role-playing activities. This session is designed to enhance your understanding of these concepts and highlight the critical role dialogue plays in overcoming polarization and fostering effective communication.

                                Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights into NIMD’s efforts to promote constructive dialogue and learn why it’s essential for building peaceful and inclusive democracies.

                                Register here to visit the Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy


                                The Just Peace program is a collaboration between The Hague municipality and The Hague Humanity Hub and is created in partnership with numerous contributing organizations working in The Hague to build a peaceful and just world. 

                                A look back at Just Peace Open Dag 2023...

                                The Hague, multiple locations 

                                Sign Up