Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, is a unique hub based in The Hague, where national judicial authorities work closely together to make Europe a safer place. Eurojust coordinates the work of those authorities – from the EU Member States as well as third countries – in investigating and prosecuting serious cross-border crime and terrorism.

The Agency offers tailor-made operational support throughout the different stages of criminal investigations. It can accommodate complex forms of assistance and coordination mechanisms, which may be combined as required to support major operations. For example, Eurojust can coordinate parallel investigations, organise coordination meetings with judicial and law enforcement authorities, and set up and/or fund joint investigation teams (JITs). It also plans joint action days, steered in real time via coordination centres held at Eurojust’s premises, during which national authorities may arrest perpetrators, dismantle organised crime groups and seize assets.

Eurojust has developed a cohesive international network that grants prosecutors around the European Union access to more than 50 jurisdictions worldwide. The Agency has signed cooperation agreements with a dozen non-EU states, several of which have seconded Liaison Prosecutors to Eurojust to work on cases with their EU counterparts. Eurojust also works closely with other EU agencies and partners that support the various stages in the criminal justice chain.