Just Peace Festival & Road to Summit

Wat betekent vrede voor jou? Hoe draag jij bij aan een rechtvaardige wereld? Wat maakt een stad écht inclusief? Ben jij veilig online? Hoe bouw jij mee aan een groenere stad?

Just Peace Festival is een open platform voor dialoog, samenwerking en actie op het gebied van vrede en recht in Den Haag.

Het festival vindt plaats in Den Haag, bekend als de Internationale Stad van Vrede en Recht, van 16 t/m 26 juni 2025, terwijl de stad zich voorbereidt op het organiseren van de NAVO-top van 2025. Het biedt een goede gelegenheid om te reflecteren op de rol van de NAVO in de wereldwijde veiligheid en alternatieve paden voor blijvende vrede te verkennen.

Het Just Peace Festival is het hoogtepunt en de culminatie van het Road to the Summit-programma van Den Haag (januari tot juni 2025). Het is een gezamenlijk initiatief van meerdere belanghebbenden, georganiseerd door The Hague Humanity Hub, de Universiteit Leiden en de gemeente Den Haag.

Why Just Peace Festival?

In today’s interconnected world, where armed conflict, inequality, environmental threats, and social divides threaten democracy and global stability, the Just Peace Festival brings together citizens, experts, artists, policymakers, and activists. Through interactive sessions, workshops, exhibitions, and performances covering key themes such as climate justice, international law, and disinformation, the festival celebrates efforts toward peace, fosters meaningful conversations, and inspires collective action.

By making The Hague’s vital global work accessible to the public, the festival transforms the city into an open forum where the local and global intersect — creating a space where everyone has a voice in shaping a more just, peaceful and equitable future. We invite YOU to join us by contributing your voice, creativity, and expertise.

Why should you join?

The Just Peace Festival and the Road to Summit programme is a unique opportunity to:

  • Engage with pressing global issues
  • Share your voice, creativity and expertise
  • Be part of a vibrant movement for peace and justice

We invite individuals, organisations and institutions dedicated to promoting peace and justice. We welcome  NGOs  raising awareness,  cultural institutions  using art to inspire dialogue,  educators  hosting workshops and discussions,  grassrootsmovements  mobilising communities,  businesses  advancing sustainability,  citizens  and  activists  amplifying their voices, and  policymakers  shaping a more just society.

How to participate?

We are currently looking for contributors and partners. If you are interested in attending the events, check out the Road to Summit agenda and further updates about the programme on justpeacethehague.com.

1) Feature your activity in the Road to Summit calendar

As part of the Road to the Summit programme, starting as early as January, we will promote activities related to peace and justice on the festival’s website, including those leading up to the festival in June. If you plan to organise an activity in that period, we’d be delighted to feature it—your contributions are welcome at any time! Send your activity to roadtosummit@humanityhub.net.

2) Contribute and co-create the Just Peace Festival

Are you interested in joining the initiative and helping shape the festival with your ideas, expertise, and programming? Would you like to collaborate with other contributors in creating engaging activities? We would love to work with you in making the Festival as impactful as possible. Drop us a line at justpeacefestival@humanityhub.net and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

3) Become a partner or sponsor of the Just Peace Festival

Would you like to partner with us to support the festival in other ways? We welcome contributions from partners and sponsors, be it in-kind, financial or otherwise. Let us know at justpeacefestival@humanityhub.net.

If you have any questions or suggestions; feel free to reach out to us via:justpeacefestival@humanityhub.net

About the initiatives

Road to the Summit is a city-wide programme launched by the City of The Hague in January. It brings together a diverse range of activities and events that spotlight peace and justice leading up to the NATO Summit in The Hague in June.

Just Peace Festival is a series of events for critical reflection and public engagement on peace and justice. The festival is a collaborative series of events coordinated by The Hague Humanity Hub, Leiden University, Spreeek, and We Are Changemakers. Jointly they unite academia, civil society organisations and initiatives, cultural institutions, and entrepreneurs in crafting an impactful experience.