Road to Summit, The Hague programme of Peace and Justice
Filter on:
Climate & Resilience
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
International Rule of Law
Peace (and justice)
Asser Institute
Bibliotheek Den Haag
Het Nationale Theater
Nationaal Monument Oranjehotel
Universiteit Leiden
West Den Haag former American Embassy
event type
Just Peace Movie Night
Opening Event
Closing Event
12 mar
7 may
Peace (and justice)
Voorstelling Van de Kaart
12 mar
- 29 jun
Peace (and justice)
Facing the Storm: a museum in wartime
12 mar
19 mar
26 mar
2 apr
9 apr
16 apr
23 apr
Wandeling Politieke Powervrouwen
12 mar
- 27 jul
Climate & Resilience
Exhibition 'Life On Earth' Art & Ecofeminism
12 mar
- 1 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Exhibition Édourd Glissant
12 mar
- 1 aug
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Expositie ‘In wat voor land leef ik eigenlijk’ (In What Kind of Country Do I Live?)
12 mar
- 13 mar
International Rule of Law
Exhibition 'Lens on law: Edges of proximity'
12 mar
- 1 dec
Peace (and justice)
Exhibition Freedom under pressure: political prisoners, then and now
12 mar
- 16 mar
Women's rights
HER Film Festival 2025 (Online)
13 mar
Cultuurhaven: Unlocking International Law
15 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Maame Joses sings Nina Simone "My skin is black"
20 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Conference on global financial inclusion
21 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Lecture Diversity and Inclusion in the Police
21 mar
Peace (and justice)
21 mar
- 29 mar
Human Rights
Movies that Matter Festival
26 mar
From: humanity, a unity - To: peace conferences, United Nations, decolonization
2 apr
Climate & Resilience
Lecture Plastic's Legacy: Tracing the Path from Single-Use to Sustainable Solutions
9 apr
10 apr
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Voorstelling My Fair Human
10 apr
Climate & Resilience
Voorstelling Waste Me
12 apr
16 apr
25 apr
1 may
8 apr
Peace (and justice)
Lezing: Waarom bestaan oorlogen - en is wereldvrede mogelijk?
15 apr
16 apr
17 apr
18 apr
21 apr
22 apr
6 jun
7 jun
8 jun
Peace (and justice)
Voorstelling Moeder Courage
16 apr
- 30 jun
Peace (and justice)
Tentoonstelling Posters voor Peace
19 apr
20 apr
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
24 apr
27 apr
5 may
Peace (and justice)
Film Bezuidenhout
27 apr
Universal Brotherhood
30 apr
Peace (and justice)
Kamp van Hotel Modern
1 may
Peace (and justice)
Voorstelling Verzet!
4 may
From: humanity, a unity - To: peace conferences, United Nations, decolonization
7 may
Lezing Vrijheidscollege: Devika Partiman
15 may
- 23 jun
Peace (and justice)
2 jun
Peace (and justice)
Lezing De NAVO - Sterk genoeg in onzekere tijden?
5 jun
Climate & Resilience
Voorstelling De zaak Shell
16 jun
- 26 jun
Just Peace Festival
Past events
12 mar
- 1 aug
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Expositie ‘In wat voor land leef ik eigenlijk’ (In What Kind of Country Do I Live?)
19 apr
20 apr
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
12 mar
19 mar
26 mar
2 apr
9 apr
16 apr
23 apr
Wandeling Politieke Powervrouwen
Women's rights
The Hague Women's Days
7 mar
Peace (and justice)
Voorstelling As I Left My Father’s House
6 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
[International Women’s Day] Bertha von Suttner: A beacon for women in international law and peace…
6 mar
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Concert 'Als Ik Luister'
EU transnational ambitions conference
4 mar
Climate & Resilience
Lecture Navigating the Unpredictable: Climate Chaos and the Future of Water
Peace (and justice)
Rhythms of Resilience: Dancing in the shadow of the war
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Opening Grand Opening 2025
25 feb
Peace (and justice)
Just Peace Music Night: Kyiv Symphony Orchestra Benefit Concert
International Rule of Law
Exhibition ART.Grondwet
22 feb
Peace (and justice)
Theater POPpulisme (8+) Het Filiaal
20 feb
Peace (and justice)
The Korean Wave
20 feb
Just Peace Movie Night: Porcelain War
18 feb
The Geopolitical Power of North Korea
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Art Exhibition Veilig Samen Leven
15 feb
Inclusie, (On)Gelijkheid & Diversiteit
Storytelling Festival: The Hague Tells Stories
14 feb
Dialoog Het Kamergesprek aflevering 23: Debatvormen
10 feb
Studium Generale: The Uighurs as political prisoners
8 feb
Women's rights
Dance performance: BALLEN LOS
Hackathon for Good #7
The Hague Tech Fest
27 jan
Peace (and justice)
View of the West: The shifting world order in practice