Dance performance: BALLEN LOS
- Date: 08 February
- label.tijd 20:15 - 21:15
- Location: Korzo Theater

We let go of all balls on International Women's Day.
The world is rushing by and we are rushing along with it. We have to stand strong, get angry, show no doubt, go straight for our goal. We want to be infallible goddesses, striving for all the paradoxical ideals that we as women have to meet. You have to be willing and obedient, but not too easy. You have to want to become a mother, but also have a career. You have to be beautiful, but not too seductive or threatening.
Ultimately, we do everything just not well enough. How do we deal with all these expectations? Do we want to meet them ourselves or does society project these ideas onto women?
In BALLEN LOS, the women of DansBlok are propelled by fascinating sounds, an insistent beat and rock-solid lyrics by Oukje den Hollander.
It is time to let go of all the balls. We pay tribute to femininity and the power of vulnerability.
Korzo Theater
Prinsestraat 42
2513 CE Den Haag Sign Up