Film Bezuidenhout
- Date: 24 April, 27 April en 05 May
- Location: Museum-Omniversum Dome

(Please note: Dutch spoken, prices and times vary)
The Hague’s film about the mistaken bombing of Bezuidenhout during WWII.
Due to wrong coordinations instructed from the British Allies, unexpected heavy wind and bad sight the bombs fell on this populated area in the city. The plan was to eliminate the V2 launch base of the German occupiers that had been set up in het Haagse Bos.
The mistakenly bombing by the British Allies on the Bezuidenhout district of The Hague was one of the deadliest bombings of the second World War in the Netherlands.
About the film
Johan Zuiderwijk lives with his family and friends in Bezuidenhout, The Hague. As the war grows increasingly hopeless, they form a resistance group and discover that the Germans have placed V2 rockets in the 'Haagse Bos', targeting London. While the group takes greater risks, Johan suspects a traitor among them.
Meanwhile, the British prepare to bomb the Haagse Bos, but on the morning of March 3, 1945, the operation goes tragically wrong. A large part of the neighborhood went up in flames and hundreds of people were killed. The drama was enormous. Yet this event is not known to many people.
Museum-Omniversum Dome
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