Democracy Drinks: Investing in Women, Investing in Democracy
- Date: 07 March
- label.tijd 17:00 - 19:00
- Location: The Humanity Hub

Join us for our next edition of #DemocracyDrinks! For this next edition of the #DemocracyDrinks, we want to highlight International Women’s Day. In line with the UN Women’s theme of ‘Investing in Women’ we will reflect on what investing in women means for democracy. Acknowledging that whenever women are under threat, so are democracy, peace and stability, Democracy Drinks the Hague is teaming up with WIIS – Women in International Security Netherlands to bring additional perspectives on the topic.
Sabra Bano, Director of Gender Concerns International
Ella van den Heuvel, Lieutenant Colonel
Moderator – Fleur de Braaf, vice president of WIIS Netherlands.
The Humanity Hub
Fluwelen Burgwal 58
Den Haag, 2511 CJ Sign Up