Presentation Advice Colonial Achieves
- Date: 25 March
- label.tijd 15:00 - 16:30
- Location: Nieuwspoort

Monday, March 25, 2024 the advice of the Council for Culture on recovery and restitution in relation to colonial archives 'Dealing with shared sources of the colonial past' will be presented to State Secretary Fleur Gräper-van Koolwijk (OCW) in Nieuwspoort. During this meeting the chairman of the council, Kristel Baele, will explain the process of making the advice and committee chair Dagmar Oudshoorn will elaborate on the report. A panel discussion will also take place during this meeting.
In 2020, the Council for Culture issued the advice "Colonial Collections and Recognition of Injustice. The advice now being released is a follow-up to that.
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