HIP-exhibition: Colonial The Hague, an unfinished past
- Date: 03 August
- Location: Bibliotheek Loosduinen

HIP exhibition on The Hague's colonial past
Traces of the past
Walking through The Hague, one encounters traces of its colonial past everywhere. Just think of buildings like the former Ministry of Colonies, or the many Indian and Surinamese restaurants and the street names in the Bezuidenhout and Archipel area. The people of The Hague also make this past visible.
The Hague Historical Museum dwelt on this past in 2023 with the exhibition Colonial The Hague, an unfinished past. From July 15 to August 3, some stories from this exhibition can be viewed in a presentation in our Loosduinen Library.
Want to relive the entire exhibition?
Then go to https://virtualtours.360totaal...
Bibliotheek Loosduinen
Loosduinse Hoofdstraat 555
2552AE 's-Gravenhage Sign Up