Movies that Matter: Deep Rising
- Date: 14 January
- label.tijd 15:00
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

To provide energy for the green economy, unexplored territory is being tapped: the deep sea. But mining on the ocean floor can have huge, unforeseen consequences. And to whom does the deep ocean belong? With breathtaking, almost otherworldly images, and fantastic voice-over by Jason Momoa (Aquaman, Game of Thrones).
"The future is metal," Gerard Barron, CEO of Deep Green Resources, tells potential investors. His company is developing ways to bring manganese nodules to the surface from the ocean floor. This, he claims, could open the door to a sustainable planet. According to him, these deep-sea treasures could fully power the global boom in electric cars.
Barron's green pitch is met with much enthusiasm. But experts like marine geologist Sandor Mulsow are vehemently opposed to mining on the ocean floor. The minerals are crucial to ocean biodiversity - which in turn is crucial to life on Earth. Moreover, it has been established that the deep sea is "humanity's common heritage" - in other words, owned by all of us. But the organization charged with defending this status seems very easy to manipulate. And will the indigenous people of Papua New Guinea, whose livelihoods are threatened by the practice, be listened to at all?
About On Tour:
On Tour is a spin-off of the Movies that Matter Festival. Each year we select eight great festival titles that we aim to offer a wide platform throughout the country. In collaboration with (currently) seventeen movie theaters and local volunteer groups, we screen a film or documentary that matters, a movie that matters, every month from October through May. The screenings are accompanied by in-depth programs and guest speakers arranged by local groups. In this way, we encourage dialogue and broaden perspectives in local contexts.
Filmhuis Den Haag
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