ImagiNation: Hong Kong in Exile
- Date: 23 May 10:00 - 20:00
- Location: Nieuwspoort
The inaugural symposium, "ImagiNation: Hong Kong in Exile," is set to take place in The Hague in 2024. As the home of international courts, The Hague perfectly embodies the symposium's commitment to universal justice. Structured around three overarching themes— "Preserving Identity," "Artistic Activism," and "Cultural Reshaping"— the symposium aims to comprehensively explore the past, present, and future of the artistic and cultural development of the overseas Hong Kong diaspora.
1. Preserving Identity
Delves into the challenges of preserving Hong Kong's cultural identity amidst self-inflicted amnesia, memory erasure, and the experiences of diaspora. Across generations, a pervasive fear lingers that the culture may fade into oblivion for future generations. Discussions will address these concerns and explore ways to safeguard cultural history and heritage, fostering a deeper understanding of how displacement impacts the collective identity of Hong Kongers worldwide.
2. Artistic Activism
Examines the dynamic relationship between art and activism, focusing on art's pivotal role in social movements and its seamless integration with activism. The objective is to bridge the gap between artists, cultural practitioners, and social movements, emphasizing the agency of art and investigating how it serves as an engine for societal change. Discussions will go beyond static artistic expression, delving into how art can significantly contribute to core societal values.
3. Cultural Reshaping
Explores how Hong Kongers, even when living overseas, can embody Hong Kong's culture amidst the challenges and opportunities the future presents. Discussions will engage in profound reflections on reimagining and transforming the rich and diverse cultural vitality of Hong Kong in the face of a perpetually changing world. The goal is to collectively explore innovative approaches and strategies to secure the continuity of Hong Kong's culture within the diaspora for future generations.
Scholars, advocates, and artists from across the globe are invited to discuss Hong Kong's resilience amid ongoing changes, contributing to the construction of a future for the displaced people of Hong Kong. Join us for an unforgettable symposium featuring inspiring discussions, interactive workshops, and performances at ImagiNation: Hong Kong in Exile! Let's celebrate the Lion Rock spirit of Hong Kong and the resilience of its people. Get ready to listen to powerful stories of hope, courage, and determination from Hong Kong's diaspora.
Highlighted Speakers:
Mr. Harry van Bommel - Former Dutch Member of Parliament
Mr. Alex Chow - Board Member of Hong Kong Democracy Council, based in America.
Mr. Jens Galschiøt - Sculptor of the Pillar of Shame, based in Denmark.
Ms. Tsering Jampa - Former Executive Director of International Campaign for Tibet Europe
Dr. Joseph Lian - Former Professor of Yamanashi Gakuin University, based in Japan.
Dr. Kacey Wong - Hong Kong Political Artist, based in Taiwan.
Mr. Zhou Fengsuo - Founder of Humanitarian China, based in America.
Learn more about this event:
practical information:
Date: 23 May 2024
Reception: 09:30 hrs
Starting time: 10:00 hrs
End: 20:00 hrs
In addition to registering, it is also necessary to register for access to Nieuwspoort in the House of Representatives building via this link and bring an ID.
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
2594 AC Den Haag Sign Up