Hague College: The geopolitics of A.I.
- Date: 29 January
- label.tijd 19:30 - 21:00
- Location: Nieuwspoort

Haroon Sheikh on the opportunities and danger for Europe
Developments around Artificial Intelligence are moving at lightning speed. So fast, in fact, that the biggest tech CEOs want a development pause to avoid accidents. A.I. instills fear, but also promises new technological revolution. What does this revolution mean for global relations? Will Europe catch on, or will we definitively lose sight of America and China with their tech giants?
In The Geopolitics of A.I., Haroon Sheikh tells all about the opportunities and danger of A.I. for us in Europe. Can we develop our own secure A.I. technology? Or will we become a plaything of ruthless superpowers if we do not accept risks? On this evening Haroon will guide you past all the dream and doom scenarios and show sharply and clearly how A.I. is turning geopolitics upside down. How are we doing in the Netherlands? And what does "European A.I." look like? In The Geopolitics of A.I., you will hear all you need to know about the impact of A.I. on world politics.
- Haroon Sheikh is senior scientist at the WRR and associate professor of
Strategic Governance of Global Technologies at the VU
- The evening will be presented by Annette van Soest, presenter and journalist for, among others, Haagsch College and Follow the Money
Practical information:
Evening January 29, 2024
Walk-in 6:45 p.m.
Start: 7:30 p.m.
End: 9:00 p.m.
Regular tickets €12.50, for Poorters (members Nieuwspoort) €10.
Chef's special: You can come and have a bite to eat beforehand, order in addition to your hall ticket the Chef's Special a €15.50, then you are welcome in our restaurant from 18:00 onwards. The special is: Beef stew, peppers, yellow onions, mushrooms and basmati rice or Vegetarian stew, falafel, yellow onions, mushrooms and basmati rice.
This evening is made possible in part by Booking.com
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
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