Film: Without Leaving Anyone Behind
- Date: 19 April
- label.tijd 18:00
- Location: TransitieCinema

The energy discussion has become polarized. There are those who believe climate change is a crisis requiring nothing short of toppling of the entire global economic system. There are still some who question whether climate change is happening or whether it's human-caused. And then there are those who believe climate change is serious but actionable with existing technologies, consumer pressure and government incentives.
There are those who ask: What about the developing countries in the Global South who want to grow their economies and improve their standard of living with fossil fuels? The industrialized economies did it, why can't they?
The Without Leaving Anyone Behind documentary takes you on a journey to discover the possibilities that lie ahead as we address climate change in a pragmatic non-polarized manner and transition to a new energy future.
Some believe that climate change is a crisis requiring nothing short of toppling the entire global economic system. Other people still question whether climate change is happening at all or whether it's human-caused. And then there are those who believe climate change is serious but actionable with existing technologies, consumer pressure, and government incentives.
18.00-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner buffet (buy an online ticket for the dinner before April 17th!)
19.30 Screening "Without Leaving Anyone Behind"
21.00 Q&A with experts
21.40 Drinks and discussion
Admission to the movie is FREE (but we appreciate donations!)
Make sure to arrive on time, the doors are closed when the movie starts or the venue is at full capacity.
DINNER is optional and vegetarian; you can buy your ticket online here
The movie and event is in English
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2594 AW, Den Haag Sign Up