Transitie Cinema: Food for Profit
- Date: 31 January
- label.tijd 18:00 - 22:00
- Location: TransitieCinema, Den Haag

Food for Profit is the first feature documentary that exposes the links between the meat industry, lobbying and the corridors of power. It denounces how Europe is transferring hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ money into the hands of intensive farms, which mistreat animals, pollute the environment, and pose a potential danger for future pandemics.
With a cinematic approach for an investigative documentary, Giulia and Pablo take us on an enlightening but shocking journey across Europe, where they confront farmers, corporations and politicians. Their team of investigators infiltrated farms in many European countries, exposing the truth behind the perceived excellence of European dairy and meat. In parallel, a fake agrifood lobbyist has infiltrated the high spheres of power at the European Parliament, secretly recording MEPs and gaining shocking information.
Screening Date: January 31, 2025
Location: Bezuidenhoutseweg 40, Den Haag
Directed by: Pablo D’Ambrosi & Giulia Innocenzi
18.00 Doors Open
18.15-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner (buy an online ticket for the dinner before January 29!)
19.30 Screening “Food for Profit”
21.00 Q&A with experts
21.40 Drinks and discussion
TransitieCinema, Den Haag
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2594AW Den Haag Sign Up