Women and Nature Rights
- Date: 20 January
- label.tijd 15:00 - 16:30
- Location: Amaliastraat 10 Den Haag

Women play an important role in the environmental movement, from both personal and professional roles. What ideas about natural rights have they helped spread? What stories about natural rights do indigenous women tell? And what obstacles do women working for rights for nature face?
On January 20, environmental lawyer Jessica den Outer will be a guest at Women Connect. She will give a short lecture on this wonderful topic and also share her experiences.
Jessica den Outer graduated in 2017 with a master's degree in natural rights. She is an ambassador of the Maas Cleanup and was recognised by the UN as a natural rights expert. Together with Laura Burgers, she wrote the book "Rights for Nature: case studies from six continents" about natural rights in practice. Get to know her further through this video!
Theme: Women and Rights for Nature
Date: Friday, January 20, 2022
Time: 15:00 - 16:30 (includes snack and drink)
Location: Amaliastraat 10 The Hague
Language: Dutch
Amaliastraat 10 Den Haag
Amaliastraat 10
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