From: humanity, a unity - To: peace conferences, United Nations, decolonization

  • Date: 26 March
  • label.tijd 19:30
  • Location: The Theosophical Society, Blavatskyhouse

This lecture will be given in Dutch! On the 4th of May this event will be given in English. Click on the following link for more information:

Universal Wisdom shows that humanity is a unity. The challenge is to keep that idea alive. If we could make the idea of humanity as unity more powerful, peace conferences and the UN would also function better, and we would be better able to work toward lasting peace. Then nations would not have their own self-interest, but the world's interest as their ideal. In this lecture, we want to discuss how we can sustainably secure the spirit of the idea of humanity as unity.

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The Theosophical Society, Blavatskyhouse

De Ruijterstraat 74
2518 AV Den Haag

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