The Elephant Whisperers
- Date: 02 February
- label.tijd 18:00 - 21:30
- Location: Christelijk Lyceum Zandvliet

Bomman and Bellie, a couple in South India, devote their lives to caring for an orphaned baby elephant named Raghu, forging a family like no other that tests the barrier between the human and the animal world.
The indigenous couple tirelessly work to ensure his survival. The film highlights the beauty of the wild spaces in South India and the people and animals who share this space.
18.00-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner buffet (buy an online ticket for the dinner before Wednesday 18:00)
19.30 Guest speaker Henny van Rij (Het Dierenmuseum)
20.10 Screening “The Elephant Whisperers”
20.40 Q&A with experts
21.10 Drinks and discussion Admission to the movie is FREE (but we appreciate donations!)
Make sure to arrive on time, the doors are closed when the movie starts or the venue is at full capacity.
DINNER is optional and vegetarian and vegan; you can buy your ticket online here
The movie and event are in English
Christelijk Lyceum Zandvliet
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2594 AW Den Haag Sign Up