Populism and street politics

  • Date: 11 October
  • label.tijd 19:00 - 21:30
  • Location: Aula, De Haagse Hogeschool

The current political debate increasingly revolves around the “dissatisfied citizen” and the gap between “the people” and “the elite". In addition, we see the growing success of parties such as Alternative für Deutschland, Partij voor de Vrijheid, Vlaams Belang and the strong focus on migration in elections. These developments raise questions such as: what is the relationship between job insecurity and rising nationalism and xenophobia, and with which political interventions can people regain a grip on their lives. During this evening speakers from politics and science will discuss the role of populism, street politics and grassroots movements.


19:00 - Walk-in

19.30 hrs - Start and welcome by Mart Nooijen

19.40 hrs - Panel discussion with Fatima Faïd, Willem Schinkel and Rogier van Reekum

20.25 hrs - Break

20.35 hrs - Dialogue with Fatima Faïd, Tim 'S Jongers and audience

21.20 hrs - End

Attending this meeting is free, but they do appreciate it when you register.

Aula, De Haagse Hogeschool

Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
2521 EP Den Haag

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