MtM on Tour: The Body Politic
- Date: 14 April
- label.tijd 15:00
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag (Zaal 2)

Gabriel Franciz Paz Goodenough
With the On Tour program, Movies that Matter organizes screenings with in-depth programmes in The Netherlands and online. They do this in collaboration with a diverse array of organisations and companies. Among other things, the organization also organises the annual Movies that Matter Festival in The Hague.
Like many areas of the United States, the city of Baltimore is plagued by gun violence. In the midst of the George Floyd uprising, Brandon Scott, a young reformist leader, is elected mayor. He introduces an ambitious, public health-oriented approach to reducing violence. Authorities claim Brandon's political reputation and the health of the city are linked to the number 348 - the total number of murders Baltimore had the year before, more murders than in NYC, a city 15 times its size. After taking office and barely getting a chance to implement his first security reforms, the violence reaches a new peak. While the media and political opponents attach his holistic plan, he sticks to his principles even as it jeopardizes his future as a politician. Throughout his first year in the office, our cameras continue to follow Brandon to see if his plan will work and lead to improvement in Baltimore and perhaps even reveal a path forward for the country.
After the screening there will be an in dept programm, more information will follow soon.
Filmhuis Den Haag (Zaal 2)
Spui 191
2511 BN, Den Haag Sign Up