Reading by author Benjamin Duerr - Haagse Hout
- Date: 20 June
- label.tijd 10:00 - 11:00
- Location: Bibliotheek Den Haag - Haagse Hout

The Hague the city of peace and justice. Why is the world looking at us again just now?
125 years ago, the first Hague Peace Conference took place, where countries first agreed on disarmament and preventing wars. Conflicts were to be resolved by a court, not the military. Since then, more and more international courts have been established in The Hague - which, precisely now, in times of growing armaments and new wars, play an important role in world politics.
A book by Benjamin Duerr about the Hague Peace Conferences of 1899 and 1907, "The Dream of The Hague: The Hague Peace Conferences and the Emergence of a New World Order," will be published in mid-May by Atlas Contact Publishers. The non-fiction book tells the story of the conferences (and of the city of The Hague) from the perspective of four key participants.
Will war ever be able to be eliminated, as some hoped in The Hague 125 years ago? Is international law and the work of the courts in The Hague useful - or is it powerless, as some claim because of the wars in Gaza and Ukraine.
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