Labor migration: redundant or much needed for our labor market?

  • Date: 16 April
  • label.tijd 16:00 - 18:00
  • Location: Nieuwspoort

After two well-attended editions in the spring and fall of 2023, the third edition of the ArbeidsmarktPoort will be held in Nieuwspoort on Tuesday, April 16. Like the previous two editions, substantive speakers have been prepared to engage with each other and those present in the room. The third edition of the ArbeidsmarktPoort will focus on the following topic: labor migration in relation to the development of the labor market.

Gert-Jan Segers, former party leader of the Christian Union and now working as an advisor at Otto Workforce, will provide the opening remarks and explain the recently published 'Deltaplan Grip op Arbeidsmigratie' to those present. He will then be part of the discussion panel. Hans Biesheuvel, former chairman of Ondernemend Nederland, will act as moderator. In addition, the organization is still working on two other panelists.

The topic of labor migration was an important point of discussion during the November 2023 elections to the House of Representatives. With the recently published reports of the Advisory Council on Migration and the State Commission on Demographic Developments 2050, the topic is still high on the political-administrative agenda. A very interesting and topical subject, which is why we would like to discuss the plans of various political parties and the consequences of labor migration for the Dutch labor market and economy with experts and those present in the room.

The meeting will take place at Nieuwspoort. 15:30 is the walk-in and at 16:00 the substantive program will start. After the program there will be drinks.

You can register by sending an email to, you should also register for access to Nieuwspoort in the Tweede Kamer building via this link.


Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
2511 CL, Den Haag

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