L'Arche De Noé - Pride The Hague
- Date: 19 May
- label.tijd 17:00
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

Bryan Marciano
France , 2024
105 min
French spoken
An association provides shelter to young LGBT people rejected by their families as they try to find jobs, homes and self-acceptance within six months. Noëlle, the association's leader, and Alex, her assistant, face their own doubts and motives while helping them.
An association welcomes young LGBT people who have been thrown out on the streets by their families. Behind the apparent comedy, excesses, the desire to assert themselves, hide broken lives. They all have this furious desire to exist, to find their place in society. Here they have six months to find a job, a home and accept themselves as they are. A race against time in which Noelle, who leads the society and Alex, who helps her in her mission, are also referred to their own flaws and question their motivations to help others.
Filmhuis Den Haag
Spui 191
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