HIP Lecture: Freedom and unfreedom - Secrets of the Hague Forest

  • Date: 30 April
  • label.tijd 11:00 - 12:00
  • Location: Bibliotheek Benoordenhout

In the Haagse Bos you can find the interesting traces of the past. The old trees, quiet ponds and historic buildings tell a lot about the history of this place. Discover the traces of the past in the Haagse Bos.

The Haagse Bos

The Haagse Bos runs cadastrically from Malieveld to Landgoed Reigersbergen. It is an area of about 100 hectares and in the early Middle Ages was part of a large primeval forest that stretched along the coast from 's-Gravenzande to Alkmaar. On April 16, 1576, William of Orange signed the Act of Redemptions which stipulated that no one was allowed to cut down any more trees in the forest and that the forest could not be sold. This is the very first conservation manifesto in the Netherlands. The Act of Redemptions is still in force today. Yet over the centuries not everyone has adhered to it....

Henk Kruit

Henk Kruit is retired and has always worked as a manager in the trucking industry. Nowadays he gives guided tours of the Haagse Bos as a volunteer with the Forestry Commission.

For whom.



Tuesday, April 30, from 11 a.m. to noon.


Library Benoordenhout, Wassenaarseweg 220, The Hague.

Participation is free.

Note: reservations are required!

Bibliotheek Benoordenhout

Wassenaarseweg 220
Den Haag

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