Documentary evening: Nasrin
- Date: 10 March
- label.tijd 18:00 - 22:00
- Location: Het Koorenhuis

On March 10, 2023, the Transitiecinema is screening the film 'Nasrin' during their monthly documentary evening. The documentary is then followed by a Q&A with experts on the topic and time for drinks and a discussion afterwards.
Nasrin is a secretly filmed personal portrait of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh. The fact that she is currently in prison for standing up for human and women’s rights, makes this documentary all the more urgent. A must-see masterclass in courage and optimism.
Ever since Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi encouraged her to get her law degree, Nasrin Sotoudeh has worked for the rights of women, children, religious minorities and many others whose rights are crushed under the Iranian Islamic laws. Nasrin paints a portrait of her work and life, up until her second imprisonment in 2018, and of the broader Iranian women’s rights movement. And when the attention turns to Nasrin’s husband Reza and their two children, it becomes a full-blown love story
18.00-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner buffet (buy an online ticket for the dinner before March 8th!)
19.30 Screening "Nasrin"
21.00 Q&A with experts
21.40 Drinks and discussion
For more information, click here.
Het Koorenhuis
Prinsegracht 27, Den Haag
2512 EW The Hague Sign Up