Daybreak in Gaza - Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture
- Date: 05 November
- label.tijd 17:00 - 19:00
- Location: Pieter de la Court

What happens to the culture of Gaza as its buildings, heritage and lives are destroyed? Survivors keep their heritage alive through literature, music, memories and storytelling. Mahmoud Muna, a bookseller from Jerusalem, and Matthew Teller, a UK-based Middle East correspondent, recorded these life stories in their recently released book Daybreak in Gaza: Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture (Saqi Books 2024).
Join CWTS, CADS, Leiden Scholars for Palestine and the editors of the book Mahmoud Muna and Matthew Teller in a conversation on Gaza’s history and cultural landscape through experiences of everyday Palestinians. After a presentation and discussion, there is the availability to buy the book and have them signed by the editors.
Pieter de la Court
Wassenaarseweg 52
2333 AK Leiden Sign Up