City conversation on heat transition

  • Date: 14 November
  • label.tijd 16:30 - 19:30
  • Location: TBD

Part of The Hague Climate Week

Come to our city discussion on heat transition! Here you can learn more about the municipality's heat plans, developments, insulation and energy-saving measures, as well as share your questions, concerns and ideas.

Despite uncertainties about heat networks, this remains the best solution for many parts of the city. The municipality is preparing for the new Heat Act and is working on the establishment of a local public heat company, in cooperation with energy companies, housing corporations and residents.

Registration is not necessary. You can just walk in.

We will discuss:

- Local public heat companies

- Collaboration with energy companies and residents

- Areas for heat networks

- Heat sources such as Warmtelinq, geothermal, aquathermy and temporary sources


16.30 Walk-in and market with energy coaches, insulation and energy saving actions and more

17.00 Welcome

17.0 Introduction video

17.10 Henry Terlouw on The Hague's heat vision

17.20 Siward Zomer on heat networks and the position of residents

17.30 Discussion with the audience

18.05 Vision of the future with alderman Arjen Kapteijns

18.15 Soapbox: pitch your idea for sustainability in the city!

18.20 Drinks, market and registration for insulation and energy saving actions

19.30 End


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