World's Youth for Climate Justice (WYCJ) is the global sister organization of the Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change, and as such, one of the movements calling for the historic UN request for an advisory opinion on climate change and human rights from the International Court of Justice (the principal UN Court).

Credits: World Youth for Climate Justice

The historic UN resolution was adopted by consensus by the UN General Assembly on 29th March 2023, when the UN responded to the call of young people and the leadership of Vanuatu to request an ICJ advisory opinion on the obligations of States to reduce climate change, showing the significance of this global youth-led climate justice initiative and its support across the world.

With the first climate change ICJ advisory opinion currently pending, WYCJ seeks to clarify state obligations to protect the rights of present and future generations from climate change and make global progress toward intergenerational equity and climate justice, arguments contained in the Youth Climate Justice Handbook.