Founded in 2021, the Queer Mind Foundation (QMF) exists with the sole purpose of addressing the social and cultural barriers that queer youth in The Hague face. We have more than serious issues like violence and homelessness that hold young children back.

Did you know?

  • 57% LGBTQIA+ is too scared to walk hand in hand on the street
  • 70% LGBTQIA+ often experience physical or verbal violence
  • 2000+ LGBTQIA+ youth are homeless

We step in where others don't.
We are the only one in the city that actively works to provide stable housing for our target group, so that they can feel safe.

Our goal is simple: to break the cycle of exclusion and help these young people to survive in Dutch society. But it’s not just about finding solutions. We’re also about building bridges. We initiate conversations with residents and organizations throughout The Hague, spreading awareness and understanding. If we all come together, we can create a city where queer youth are accepted, included and supported.