Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change is a youth-led organisation whose members are students from the Pacific Island countries.

Our mission

Climate change now threatens to destroy our homeland and cultures, but we will not lie down and accept that fate. Instead, we choose to use our passion and knowledge to fight against climate change at every level - from the grassroots of our communities to the highest levels of national and international government.

Our story

PISFCC began in March 2019 when 27 USP Law students from 8 Pacific Island countries decided to join together to begin a campaign to persuade the leaders of the Pacific Island Forum to take the issue of climate change and human rights to the International Court of Justice.

We now have members in every Pacific island country and from all levels of education, from primary and high schools to postgraduate university students.

Our core campaign is to seek climate justice at the International Court of Justice by requesting the court to respond to a legal question that will develop international law, integrate legal obligations around environmental treaties and basic human rights, and clarify state responsibility for climate harm.

We are also committed to educating and activating all Pacific island youth to become aware and take action to help prevent and fight against climate change.