Storytelling Festival: The Hague Tells Stories
- Date: 15 February
- label.tijd 12:00 - 17:00
- Location: Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag

The Hague Tells: new storytelling festival in the city
On Saturday afternoon 15 February, the first edition of Heel Den Haag Vertelt will take place in the Central Library of The Hague, a storytelling festival by and for the city. The festival, which is organised by Bibliotheek Den Haag and Haags Verhaal, brings together the diverse stories of residents of The Hague. From personal experiences to surprising tales, with the aim of bringing the city and its residents closer together.
With a wide range of activities, such as an interview marathon, family history workshops, cooking stories and reading sessions, the festival promises to be a special experience. Visitors can not only listen to stories, but also contribute on the open stage or participate in interactive components. The festival emphasizes the power of stories to create a connection between residents and their city.
The intimate nature of the festival makes it unique, without big names but with many personal and inspiring stories. Heel Den Haag Vertelt is free of charge and suitable for all ages. Registration is required for some parts.
12.00-13.00 Opening
13:00-17:00 Interview Marathon
With this marathon interview, the interviewers of Haags Verhaal let ordinary residents of The Hague tell their story. With familiar faces from the meetings of Haags Verhaal, such as Bram Poons, who survived the Second World War as a Jewish war orphan and now talks about it at schools. Or animal rescuer John Buijs of Dierenambulance Den Haag, who also owes his life to animals. People from the audience have a chance to be interviewed publicly every hour. Come and join us at this stage and be surprised by the special stories of people like you and me.
12:00-17:00 Living Library
At the Living Library you can borrow a 'living book' instead of a real book. This is a person who regularly has to deal with certain prejudices. For example, you can talk to a transgender person, someone with autism, an ex-convict or an adopted person. In an open conversation, anything can be discussed, as long as it is done with respect. You choose your own 'book', it is free and everyone is welcome. The conversations last 20-30 minutes. You do not have to register in advance and you can have multiple conversations if necessary. The ultimate goal is to counter prejudices, simply by talking to someone you would not normally speak to so quickly.
12:00-17:00 Embroidery pop-up: Sharing stories about your sense of home
Tell your story and embroider at the community art project Thuis in Den Haag about your sense of home and contribute to a work of art. This project picks up the common thread of the sense of home in The Hague. For a year, the project will visit public locations such as libraries, community centres and festivals with a white house. On it, there will be patches of participants, with their sense of home on it. Volunteers will help you embroider and collect your story. Until the completion of the house, at the end of May, all residents of The Hague can participate in this art project.
12.00-13.00 Queer stories in The Hague – city walk
We will go out together to discover the queer stories in The Hague. Think for example of the location of the first gay protest in the Netherlands, a cheeky kiss at the old town hall or the history of the international gay monument. The walk focuses on the historical queer stories, but there is also attention for the places where the queer community comes together today. Walking from one location to the next there is also enough time to get to know the group and to talk to each other about queer themes. Your input as participants makes it a truly unique walk.
14:00-15:00 Jewish City Walk
See the former synagogue, now the Mescidi Aksa Mosque, and the Rabbijn Maarsenplein with the moving Jewish Children's Monument, which commemorates the Jewish children who did not survive the war. Learn about the influential philosopher Baruch Spinoza, who lived in this neighborhood, and discover how the neighborhood transformed after World War II with the arrival of Chinese immigrants and guest workers. This walk offers a unique insight into the resilience and diversity of The Hague, where past and present come together in a dynamic city district.
15.00-16.00 City Walk
Join our guide and spokenwork artist Nicchelle Buyne through the streets of The Hague and learn about the colonial past that echoes through our streets. Followed by a poetry workshop that allows you to reflect on this painful heritage.
12.00-13.30 The power of oral history: family stories from different cultures
Oral history is important in passing on stories from generation to generation. But who keeps these stories alive? Who still shares stories from their family? Do we still know how to do that? In this session we will listen to family stories with storytellers from different cultural backgrounds. And experience the power of telling these kinds of stories to each other. Led by theater maker and Maroon culture bearer Jose Tojo . With stories by Gloriaka Maal, Michael Driebeeck van der Ven, Yung Lie, Fatos Ipek Demir, Phylis Rooks, Mahmoud AlNaser, Lydia Shakira Schenker.
14.00-15.00 Storytelling led by Dutch International Storytelling Centre
Come and listen to three beautiful stories (both true and fantasy) by storytellers from the Dutch International Storytelling Centre (DISC). (English spoken)A wonderful hour of enjoyment with 3 beautiful stories (both true and fantasy) by storytellers from the Dutch International Storytelling Centre (DISC). NB. It is in English. .
12.00-12.30 Story Case: Bontepels
Storyteller Hermine opens her story case and takes you into an interactive story. About a princess who flees because she has to marry against her will. She hides in a hollow tree, where a hunter finds her. She is allowed to work as a kitchen maid in the king's kitchen. Eventually she will marry the king, but how is that possible? That is quite a story... Come listen and let yourself be carried away by the storytelling art of Hermine van Helden van Verhalenkoffer
13:00-13:30 Reading: 'Teacher... what kind of hair do you have?'
Come and listen to the special story 'Teacher... what kind of hair do you have?' by Kamalia Thalaoui
14:00-14:30 Reading: Suriman
Meet comic book hero Suriman and have your picture taken with him!
15.00-15.30 PIEP show
Knitted mice play the leading role in the PIEP show. The Mouse Circus: a large viewing box full of mouse talent that travels throughout the Netherlands. Come watch, listen and play with the lifelike mice.
12.00-13.30 Workshop: Family History for (Re)Beginners
An interactive workshop suitable for beginners with an interest in family history and genealogical research.
14.00-15.00 Book Talk: about Footsteps by Kader Abdolah
Do you want to learn to read better and practice your Dutch? Join Book Talk!
12.30-14.00 Food stories from the Iranian, Caribbean and Egyptian kitchen
What comes from far away is delicious. Three 'foodies' with roots in Iran, the Caribbean and Egypt are interviewed by the Hague journalist Renate van der Zee about their food culture.
14.30-16.00 FFÛH Open stage for The Hague's storytelling and writing talent
The Hague's unknown talent can make itself heard on the open stage of the literary collective FFÛH
Centrale Bibliotheek Den Haag
Spui 68
2511 CB Den Haag Sign Up