Road to Summit, The Hague programme of Peace and Justice

No Dutch Required

Greetings internationals and Anglophiles!

Het Nationale Theater in The Hague is the largest traveling theatre company in The Netherlands. We entertain audiences of all ages and across the country. We also operate three theatres in The Hague: Koninklijke Schouwburg, Theater aan het Spui and Zaal 3. Each of these venues offers 'No Dutch Required' shows, events, festivals and concerts - we welcome all our non-Dutchies and Anglophiles!

Our No Dutch Required selection lists performances that are either English spoken, have English surtitles or that are without speech altogether, like dance or mime.

On this page you can read more about Het Nationale Theater and our theatres, see the full overview of our No Dutch Required selection including family shows, and get all the practical information about your visit and accessibility.

We hope to see you soon!

We are Het Nationale Theater

What's on?

Upcoming programme

Family shows

Upcoming programme for our youngest visitors. Please keep the age recommendations in mind.

AccessibilityAddress and Parking

Het Nationale Theater

Postadres & kantoren
Schouwburgstraat 10
2511 VA Den Haag
088 3565356

Kaartverkoop en informatie

Schouwburgstraat 8, 2511 VA Den Haag
Geopend: di t/m vr 14:00 - 18:00 uur

Telefonisch of per mail
088 356 5 356 (lokaal tarief)
Bereikbaar: ma t/m za 14:00 - 18:00 uur

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