Trust MEdiators Co-creation Workshop
- Date: 29 September
- label.tijd 14:00 - 17:00
- Location: THUAS (Beijing Room) & Online

The 21st Century Skills of Trustworthy Mediators: Building resilient societies
The purpose of this co-creation workshop is to learn from professional mediators and educators working in the field of conflict resolution about their techniques to build trust, to formulate “best practices” across different types of mediation in this regard, and to confront those practices with the informal techniques of trustworthy mediators included in our draft Trust MEdiators’ toolkit. We also want to evaluate how practice-proof our toolkit in fact is.
Who should attend the Trust MEdiators Co-creation workshop?
- students with an interest in dispute resolution skills and informal justice,
- professional mediators,
- professionals involved in dispute resolution,
- professionals wanting to further develop intercultural competences,
- non-professionals interested in dispute resolution skills and trust building
To attend the workshop register by sending us an email at, specifying if you wish to attend in person or online. Join the workshop online with this link.
If you are interested in joining the workshop as a speaker, send us an email at, letting us know more how you would like to contribute.
THUAS (Beijing Room) & Online
Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
2521 EN Den Haag Sign Up