- Date: 08 December
- label.tijd 20:15
- Location: Korzo

'RECHT' is edgy musical theater full of mansplaining and pole dancing by Veenfabriek. In a posh nightclub, two "men of power" ponder the fine print of international law and look too deep into the glass. Even here, their work continues.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is 75 years old and a speech needs to be written. But first we talk a little more about state immunity and reparations. About this afternoon's job interviews and the importance of public debate. Why is everything so damn unfair?
RIGHT is written and directed by Joeri Vos. For his performances, he does extensive research. Leading up to RECHT, Vos attended cases at the International Criminal Court in The Hague and interacted with lawyers, judges and prosecutors. He asked them about the practical goings-on, as well as their idealism, frustrations and unctuous stories about after-hours parties.
Actor Phi Nguyen was nominated for the prestigious Louis d'Or for his role in RIGHT. "Effortlessly, Nguyen switches from self-righteous self-confidence to remorse and compassion. He plays aptly with irony, despair, levity and seriousness."
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