- Date: 21 April
- label.tijd 16:30 - 18:00
- Location: The Hague Tech

One hour full of inspirational showcases and discussions. PlanetJams will be the supporting act at Party4Planet 2023. Activists, artists, designers, photographers, filmmakers, musicians etc. who cherish the Earth will showcase their work and thoughts in an intimate setting.
PlanetJams is part of Party4Planet 2023 to celebrate Earth Day and is only available to in-person attendees in The Hague. The event will be hosted by Marieke Rietbergen (Design Innovation Group) and is initiated by Johan Oudshoorn (producer of ZIEN) and Adrie Huissoon (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management).
Immediately after this event, the attendees will be able to join Party4Planet and also join the Planet Pioneers Meetup to get to know each other and share their thoughts and ideas in a setting only befitting a Friday evening; a party for a better world.
Register your free ticket for PlanetJams via this link (limited seats available).
The Hague Tech
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 35
2595 AN Den Haag Sign Up