Organised Crime
- Date: 25 May
- label.tijd 7:30 - 9:00
- Location: Universiteit Leiden, Campus Den Haag, Wijnhaven

We are pleased to invite you all to the last JASON event of the academic year on May 25th in FGGA Wijnhaven (Room TBA) from 19: 30 – 21:00 for an exclusive conversation on trends in National Organized Crime. With their guests Alexandra Jones, Dutch Police Representative, and Peter Klerks, Public Prosecution Service Representative, JASON aims to explore organized crime through the framing of the practitioner’s view, the individual culpability and the role of both offices in upholding justice. After the event, a Borrel will be hosted celebrating JASON’s final event of the year, and a successful culmination of our Activities Year.
Peter Klerks
Peter Klerks (1958) is trained as a political scientist and sociologist (UvA) and obtained his PhD on organized crime (EUR, 2000). For thirty years he has been teaching criminology, advanced analytical methods, innovative crime fighting and strategic deception at, among others, the Police Academy as a lecturer and as a guest lecturer at universities and police training programs in Italy, Canada, Norway and the United Kingdom, among others. Since 2010, Klerks has worked at the Public Prosecution Service as a strategic advisor to the Board of Prosecutors General in the policy areas of investigation, intelligence and tackling organized crime. He has published hundreds of books, reports and articles (ORCID 0000-0002-4363-3444). His latest book is called: ‘Door leugens verleid: Hoe je fake news en andere vormen van manipulatie herkent en bestrijdt’ (Prometheus, 2020).
Alexandra Jones
Alexandra Jones joined the police in The Hague in January 2007, having been motivated to make a career switch after the riots in Paris in Autumn 2005. Her main interests are organized crime, network analysis, threat assessments and developing intelligence as an instrument for policing. Alexandra worked as a case analyst supporting the serious crime squad of The Hague Police in e.g. homicide and trafficking of drugs and humans investigations. Switched to analysis of political extremism, and youth gangs. Currently tasked with developing innovative ways of analysing transnational organised crime and advising to gain decision advantage for policy makers on strategic and operational levels.
Experience & skills: organizational analysis, analysis of organized crime groups & networks especially in Europe. Gangs. Threat assessments. Complex systems. Innovative design of interventions. Multi-domain, cross-domain work.
Alexandra Jones has a background in Linguistics (Leiden University) as well as a fair bit of History.
Universiteit Leiden, Campus Den Haag, Wijnhaven
Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP Den Haag Sign Up