Mi País Imaginario with Patricio Guzmá
- Date: 11 January
- Location: Filmhuis The Hague

Come to Filmhuis Den Haag from now until January 11th to see “Mi País Imaginario”! The film follows documentary filmmaker Patricio Guzmán (La cordillera de los sueños, Nostalgia de la Luz) returns to Chile to report on the unexpected revolution that began in October 2019.
Patricio Guzmán had to leave Chile after the failed revolution of 1973 when the land fell prey to a dictator. However, now there is hope for an equal society. Protests erupted in October 2019 in Santiago, Chile after an increase in metro card prices. About 1.5 million people came to the streets. They protested not only against the increased metro prices but also against the failing democracy and for the bettering of Chile’s education and health systems. Now is the time for a new Constitution that will definitively leave the dictatorship behind. It is primarily women who take initiative and play an important role in the writing of the new Constitution.
'Empowering documentary' ★★★★ - VPRO Cinema
'Optimistic, hope-evoking doc' ★★★★ - NRC
'Portrayed with anger and optimism' ★★★★ - de Volkskrant
‘Blueprint for the revolution' - Filmkrant
Mi País Imaginario is screening at the Filmhuis The Hague from now until January 11th.
This film is in Spanish, with English and Dutch subtitles available.
To see the trailer and to purchase tickets, click here.
Filmhuis The Hague
Spui 191
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