Film Screening: Tori and Lokita
- Date: 16 November
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

With Tori et Lokita, two-time Golden Palm winners Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne hold up a mirror to the viewer. Their heart-rending observations about the society we live in confront us with what we do not want to see.
Direction: Dardenne Brothers
Belgium 2022
With: Pablo Schils, Joely Mbundu, Tijmen Govaerts, Charlotte De Bruyne
Two teenagers have fled Africa and have ended up in Belgium. The hard reality of refugee life brings Tori (Pablo Schils) and Lokita (Joely Mbundu) together. Together they try to build a life as brother and sister. A residence permit turns out to be difficult to obtain, so they are cornered from various sides.
Filmhuis Den Haag
Spui 191
2511BN, Den Haag Sign Up