Film Screening: Beste Meneer Bouterse
- Date: 05 October
- label.tijd 19:00 - 20:47
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

In this highly personal film, journalist and filmmaker Ananta Khemradj (32) investigates how her generation must move on in the aftermath of the December murders.
Director: Ananta Khemradj (2022)
Nederland/ Suriname
Length: 62 min
Followed by a discussion with Ananta Khemradj and Jan Pronk.
Even after Bouterse's conviction, the Surinamese are unable to come to terms with the turbulent 1980s. What is the future of a country that does not dare to face up to its past? Ananta Khemradj (32) wants to know how her generation can move forward together. There are still many questions. Why does the former Dutch coloniser keep documents secret? Do we need answers first? A highly personal film by a filmmaker who almost succumbs to the responsibility she feels.
Filmhuis Den Haag
Spui 191
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