Exhibition Common Bonds
- Date: 31 July
- Location: Atrium City Hall

From July 11 until July 31 stories of people from across the four continents where the International Criminal Court (ICC) investigates can be seen in the Atrium of the City Hall: Common Bonds*. Spotlights some of the first ICC reparations recipients and people supported by the Trust Fund For Victims. This exhibition marks the 25th anniversary of the ICC Rome Statute, the founding treaty of the ICC. This photo exhibition fits within The Hague, international city of Peace and Justice.
International Criminal Court (ICC)
From the situation in Ukraine to the Philippines’ so-called "war on drugs", to violence that has displaced and harmed millions of people from Afghanistan, Darfur (Sudan), Venezuela and more: the International Criminal Court is investigating 17 situations across the globe.
Through its work, the Court hears thousands of stories from conflict survivors. This exhibition offers a glimpse into some of those stories.
Despite coming from across four continents, the stories have many common threads: they are personal experiences of unimaginable violence, harm and loss. But they are also stories of love, friendship, family, home, connection, community and hope. As one man told us: "One must learn to survive."
Rome Statute
The exhibition marks the 25th anniversary of the Rome Statute, the ICC’s founding treaty, which sets out the Court’s jurisdiction over genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of aggression, and which is supported by 123 countries who are States Parties to the Rome Statute.
These States Parties created the Court: "Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in a shared heritage, and concerned that this delicate mosaic may be shattered at any time".
With these opening words from the Rome Statute's Preamble, the ICC was created. With these same words, 25 years later, we present this "Common bonds" exhibition to you.
Made possible by
This exhibition is hosted by the Assembly of States Parties and was produced by the International Criminal Court. The ICC collaborated with the Trust Fund for Victims to capture and share the photographs from the Democratic Republic of the Congo about ICC reparations and other Trust Fund for Victims programmes.
The ICC is grateful for the generous support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Municipality of The Hague, and the European Union in producing this exhibition.
Trigger Warning
The photos and accompanying captions are for the purpose of the exhibition only. They do not represent, and are without prejudice to, the legal findings in specific cases and situations before the Court. Visitors should be aware that the exhibition contains some strong content that may be unsettling, particularly to children. Viewer discretion is advised.
Atrium City Hall
Spui 70
2501 CL The Hague Sign Up