El Otro Rio
- Date: 06 September
- label.tijd 18:00 - 21:40
- Location: Lyceum Zandvliet

About El Otro Rio – The Documentary
Developed by Salva Tu Selva in 2023, the documentary El Otro Rio centers on the work of the organization in stopping illegal logging and conservation of biodiversity in the Peruvian Amazonia. It zooms into the life of native communities far from the city of Loreto that Salva Tu Selva works with, their everyday struggles as well as creative solutions in face of the deforestation of the local ecosystem. The documentary raises awareness about illegal logging, wildlife trafficking and unsustainable extraction of natural resources, but also showcases how young Peruvians have been developing strategies towards the problem, leading to collaborative projects with 9 native communities and the conservation of 25,000 hectares of primary forest.
About SalvaTuSelva – the project in Amazonia
Founded in 2018, Salva tu Selva is a project run by the WeCanBeHeroes foundation dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity of primary forests in the Peruvian Amazonian region. Between 2009 and 2013, approximately 13,033 live animals were seized and during 2020, the loss of forests in the region reached 203,272 hectares, equivalent to more than 200,000 football fields. The causes are due, among others, to illegal animal trafficking and the indiscriminate felling of trees for commercialization. To tackle deforestation of timber species and extractive use of natural resources, Salva Tu Selva works actively with native communities to establish sustainable ways of economic development that protects the tropical forest ecosystem. These include the implementation of research projects, environmental education and awareness activities. Through a conservation model that involves communities, Salva Tu Selva seeks to develop systems for biodiversity protection of forests in a sustainable manner over time.
18.00 Doors Open
18.15-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner (buy an online ticket for the dinner before September 4th!)
19.30 Screening “El Otro Rio”
21.00 Q&A with experts
21.40 Drinks and discussion
Admission to the movie is FREE (but we appreciate donations!)
Make sure to arrive on time, the doors are closed when the movie starts or the venue is at full capacity.
DINNER is optional and vegetarian; you can buy your ticket online here
The movie and event are in English
Lyceum Zandvliet
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
Den Haag Sign Up